
The Allegory of the Cave: Exploring Illusion and Enlightenment

The allegory of the cave is a philosophical concept introduced by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato in his work “The Republic.” It describes a scenario where people are chained in a cave and can only perceive the shadows of objects projected on the cave wall, mistaking those shadows for reality. The allegory serves as a […]

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The Power of Forgiveness and Repentance: A Journey to Self-Liberation

The paradox about forgiveness is that it is less about the one being forgiven and more about liberating oneself. The great Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi once said, “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” Forgiveness is a fundamental precondition for peaceful living. Being wronged by another puts us in a

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 Cyclical Wisdom: How Religion of Peace Embraces Eternal Circularity

Circularity is a recurring theme in many religious traditions across the world. It represents the cyclical nature of existence, the interconnectedness of all things, and the eternal return of life, death, and rebirth. Circular imagery is central to many mystical traditions, with the Mandala being a well-known example. Sufism, the mystical branch of Islam, incorporates

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Family Unity and Togetherness

Community is a fundamental aspect of religious life in any tradition, with family—the first micro-community we inhabit—serving as a scaffolding  for broader community systems. The health of a community heavily relies on the strength of its members’ family dynamics.The family unit is where we first learn to love and be loved. Without learning these essential

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