The Bridges That Unite Us Are Stronger Than
The Walls That Divide Us.

Explore Different Religions and Cultures Commonalities With UEF Foundation 

A decade ago, we started our quest to find the commonalities across different religions, cultures and societies. We researched ancient and modern texts, talked to learned men and women and observed societies and cultures, and the lives of ordinary people. Through this process, we have to date identified over 75 amazing commonalities among religions of the world. Our quest continues. Every week, we send our Wisdom Through The Ages Newsletter to over a hundred thousand people.

To read all the back issues of our newsletters on religion commonalities, please click any of the petals of the Lotus.

We have recently published our book “Bridges Across Humanity” which explains 54 major world religion commonalities in detail. To learn about the book, please click this link.

To purchase the Bridges Across Humanity book please click

Religions Of The World: How Many Religions Exist,  The Largest Religion And Most Common Religions 

World religion has evolved over centuries. It has always immensely influenced human cultures and societies. How many religions are there in the world?  As per Wikipedia, there are around 10,000 distinct religions in this world ranging from major world religions to indigenous ones. Christianity holds the largest number of believers followed by Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. These 4 major religions account for over 77% of the population in the world. The most common religion in the world is also Christianity with Islam growing rapidly.

To understand how religion and cultures work together, it is essential to learn about their shared values. Our book Bridges Across Humanity is an attempt to highlight these values.

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Why Join The UEFf Foundation To Explore Bridges Across Humanity in World Religion 

The UEF Foundation offers insightful programs, courses and guides to deepen your understanding of different religions, societies and cultures and similarities among them as well as spiritual awareness and self-development.

Love, Learn and Play: Know more about the triple helix of human flourishing through our course Love, learn and play The course is based LLP framework (Love, learn and play). It is designed to shape you inside out based on human life and shared spiritual values.

Harnessing Diversity:  Learn about how different religions, societies and cultures live together despite their diversity

Flourishing Child Program: The Flourishing child psychology master program is aimed at children from grade 4 to grade 10. It is aligned with four of the five CASEL competencies — self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship skills

Frequently Asked Questions on Religion Commonalities

1. What are the commonalities of all religions?

All religions of the world point out the importance of morality, compassion and a higher purpose. The guidelines for living a meaningful life are a commonality across all religions.

2. What are the similarities of all religions?

Many religions of the world share beliefs in a divine power and life after death. Similarities among religions also include community worship and a code of ethical conduct. 

3. What is the oldest Religion?

Hinduism is one of the oldest religions of the world. It dates back to over 4000 years.

4. What are 5 Common Features of Religions?

The 5 common features of religions are the belief in a higher power, sacred teachings, moral guidelines, rituals and practices, community and fellowship.