Mysticism is a concept that transcends religious boundaries and can be found in various religions and spiritual traditions around the world. Mysticism generally refers to a direct, personal, and experiential relationship with the divine or transcendent reality, often characterized by a sense of union, oneness, or intimate connection with the divine. Mystical practices are typically aimed at cultivating spiritual awareness, inner transformation, and a deeper understanding of the nature of existence and the divine.
“The mystic wants to know salvation personally, directly, and dramatically. But he or she has also come to the conclusion that the doctrines and rituals of the church are symbolic, that is, they point to actual states of the soul and not necessarily to anything literal or historical.”
– Jeffrey J. Kripal, historian of religion
“To the mystic, the original act of Revelation to the community—the, as it were, public revelation of Mount Sinai, to take one instance—appears as something whose true meaning has yet to unfold itself; the secret revelation is to him the real and decisive one.”
– Gershom Scholem, Jewish philosopher and historian
“To a Sufi, revelation is the inherent property of every soul. There is an unceasing flow of the divine stream, which has neither beginning nor end.”
– Hazrat Inayat Khan, Indian Sufi teacher

Christian mystics seek to deepen their relationship with God through contemplative practices such as meditation and , prayer, and contemplation, with the goal of experiencing a profound union with God or a state of spiritual illumination. Prominent figures in Christian mysticism include Saint John of the Cross, Saint Teresa of Avila, and Meister Eckhart.
Islamic mysticism, known as Sufism, focuses on the inward journey towards the divine through practices such as meditation, remembrance of God (zikr), and seeking closeness to God through love and devotion. Prominent Sufi figures include Rumi, Al-Hallaj, and Ibn Arabi. Sufi mystics seek to purify their hearts and souls in order to experience a deeper intimacy and closeness with God.
Hindu mystics seek to realize their true nature, often referred to as Atman, through direct experience, and may seek to attain a state of union with the divine, known as Brahman. Hindu mysticism encompasses a wide range of practices and beliefs, including yoga, meditation, tantra, and other forms of spiritual disciplines. Prominent Hindu mystics include Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, and Swami Vivekananda, and Sri Aurobindo.
Buddhist mysticism, particularly in Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions, emphasizes direct experiential realization of the nature of reality, often through meditation, mindfulness, and other contemplative practices. Zen Buddhism, Tibetan Buddhism, and Pure Land Buddhism are examples of Buddhist traditions with strong mystical elements.
Jewish mysticism, known as Kabbalah, focuses on the esoteric interpretation of the Torah and seeks to understand the nature of God, creation, and the soul through contemplative practices such as meditation, visualization, and ecstatic experiences. Prominent Jewish mystics include Rabbi Isaac Luria (the Ari), Rabbi Nachman of Breslov, and Rabbi Moses de Leon.