Flourishing Life

Concept of One God

Key Points: Religion is often associated with the concept of God, but there are many different conceptions of God. Children are naturally curious about different religions and can easily incorporate the concepts of different religions into their lives. As adults, we should also be open to learning about different religions and respecting the beliefs of […]

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Seeing Order in the Universe

As we explore commonalities across religions as “common threads” woven throughout human history, we come to reflect that we are all made of the same fabric. However, there is great diversity and beauty in the many different colors of dye observed across cultures and belief systems. We have explored the common thread of belief in

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Belief in Higher Power

This is the first in a series of articles on commonalities across religions. In the introductory article for this series, we refer to these commonalities as “common threads” because they are woven throughout human history and reflect the fact that we are all made of the same fabric. However, there is great diversity and beauty

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What is Flourishing?

We often long for a state of consciousness which denotes ‘life satisfaction’. At UEF we like the word Flourishing to describe this state. The word “flourishing” has its origins in the Latin language. It is derived from the Latin verb “florere,” which means “to bloom” or “to flower. “In Latin, “florere” was used to describe

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