Author name: Universal Enlightenment and Flourishing

From Mortal to Divine: The Spiritual Journey Across Religions

The universality of transcendence, a common thread weaving through the diversity of religious traditions, highlights our shared human experience. religion of peace This concept acknowledges a vast reality beyond the physical world, often described as transcendent, infinite, and beyond human comprehension. This greater reality is seen as the source of all existence, the ground of being from […]

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Harmony in Diversity: Discovering Shared Themes in Body-Related Religious Beliefs

While most religious teachings caution against overindulging in bodily pleasures, they highlight the significance of the body as a vessel for the divine or the sacred spark. For instance, in Christianity, the Apostle Paul refers to the body as “the temple of the Holy Spirit” (1 Corinthians 6:19). This view emphasizes the sanctity of the

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Divine Presence in the Tempest

The journey towards a global understanding of religious wisdom, our shared heritage, often begins with small steps, like identifying connections between two or three traditions. When we find these commonalities, we establish a strong foundation. Sometimes, these parallels reveal themselves unexpectedly. For instance, in many Christian churches, the readings for Sunday, June 23, include two

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